Used Book Sale


What–  The Wheaton-Glen Ellyn AAUW Branch Used Book Sale
When– June 19, 20, and 21, 2025
Where– Park View Elementary School, 250 S. Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn
Why–  To raise funding for scholarships!

We will feature a selection of fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books.  Please collect your books and bring donations to the site starting on June 9th.  Additional details will be provided in the upcoming weeks.

Letter sent to Branch Membership:

Dear Wheaton-Glen Ellyn AAUW branch members

It is with pleasure that we announce that we will have our traditional Used Book Sale on June 19-21, 2025!

The location for the sale will be at Park View Elementary School in Glen Ellyn, located on Park Blvd next to Reserve 21 – an excellent location.

We will have access to the gym to start working on sorting our books on June 9. We will have a total of 8 days to prepare for our sale. With the dates secured, we can start collecting books. We will separate fiction books from nonfiction books and also hope for a fine selection of children’s books. We are not interested in certain types of books: no textbooks, no reference books, no foreign language books, and no religious texts. We will be putting out collection site areas at various locations in May and June.

We can start now! Coordinating the collection of books, designing books sale posters, yard signs, and online publicity are tasks that are ahead of us. This is not our first rodeo!

The book sale team will now get the gears going again. Expect to hear from us! And if you have any questions for us please contact.

Ewa Bacon
Nancy Possinger
Karen Schulz